segunda-feira, 2 de maio de 2011

Bottle it up!

Hi folks!

It's been a while I know..

I was looking at this blog and all my adventures.. amazing to see how people grow (specially when you can look at yourself in retrospective).

Since the last post, not a lot of things changed.. I mainly wake up in the mornings (late as usual), have my breakfast and run to work, still have no studies finished, etc.. but the small things that changed make me today wake up in a different country with a huge apartment next to the river and with a smile in my face. As a kid, I used to say that I changed 180 degrees, not 360 since 360 is to make a turn and stay in the same place just slightly dizzy with the turn.
Mainly, and not to go deep on all my thoughts about writing another post, I found my answer to the biggest question that not only everyone asked me but I also asked myself several times: why Poland?

The answer is inside the song: Bottle it up from Sara Bareilles


It's true, I'm moving towards love.. since I was a baby until now..
Started with Love for the adverture, the unknown, the scripted language of Polish.. moved towards true friendship to work (bloody hard work), love for a man (or loving the way he wished I would leave just to beg me to stay), loving a country that I still call mine and finished when the love I had was just not enough to all the real world questions.

Poland is a fascination.. it can glow with only 22 years of hard work after a hardcore historical moments that some people know well(and now I'm not only talking about Germany but Russia as well). The mentality of the Polish people is interesting and I truly tried to be one of you but you can't be polish just with trying.. ..and probably this is why I finally left.. life goes on and I know which fights are made for me and the ones that are there just to make me smarter for the next one.

The small changed in my life made me change address 4 times since last post, so I can say now that I live in Germany and England, paied tax to more 2 different countries, live with my partner, and the owner of my heart, Richard (ouch.. another boyfriend in this blog.. hey.. many years passed ;] ), gave my sweet cats to adoption, left my job to a similar one (and almost got my ass sued for that), gave up my unhealthy 53kg body to a 73 one (I'm not proud and I'm working on the 57 again)...

...but ultimately, I'm fucking happy and it was about time!

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